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Today the following companies are E.S.E. Consortium's members:

filetto separatore

iconaCoffee Processors

iconaFilter Machines

iconaEspresso Coffee Machines

Kraft Foods filetto

Kraft Foods


In 1905 Ludwig Roselius from Kaffee Handels Aktien Gesellschaft (HAG) in Bremen (Germany) developed the first process to eliminate the caffeine. Roselius’ father, was a professional coffee taster and his son Ludwig, afraid for the high quantity of caffeine drank by his father, found a system to obtain a coffee that, keeping the same quality, had fewer caffeine. Caffè Hag was launched in Italy in 1920. Since then the decaffeinization process have been ameliorated, with the almost full extraction of caffeine, keeping the same taste and aroma of "normal" coffee.

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