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Host closes with a record 187,602 visitors and conquers industry professionals by revealing the trends of the sector

After five days of non-stop networking, trends and business discussions, HostMilano, the world-leading trade expo for the hospitality sector in all of its eclectic connotations, has ended. 

The numbers underline the results of the 40th event: it was visited by a total of 187.602 industry professionals (+24.3% from 2015), 38.8% of whom came from 177 foreign countries (72,699 total, +20,4% from 2015).

The most lively areas included: Europe, China, the USA, Russian and Middle-Eastern language speaking  countries, with 2165 exhibitors from 52 countries, of which 1322 were Italian (+4.4%), and 843 foreign (+13,4%). The schedule included over 500 special events.

This year’s event recorded unusually high attendance from countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Cambodia, Polynesia, and African countries (Botswana, Burundi, Eritrea, Ruanda, Zimbabwe).

The next HostMilano event will  be held at FieraMilano on 18-22 October  2019.
